In 2014, my wife and I adopted a rescue dog named Bentley; we met him at Petsmart one fateful Saturday and were instantly in love. Both being dog lovers we were confident that with love and compassion Ben would be everything we wanted in a dog. In wasn’t long, however that we quickly realized we were in over our heads. Ben turned out to be quite the handful and started exhibiting some very troubling behavior that was escalating quicker than we knew how to handle. We reached out to some friends and sought assistance.
Since that time, we have worked our butts off to learn everything we can to help our dogs lead their best lives. Outwardly, Ben was exhibiting aggression but through better understanding and more knowledge, we learned that was purely a manifestation of hyper anxiety and lack of understanding on how to channel is excessive energy. Today, Ben still isn’t a perfect dog (although he is perfect for us) but he is happier and healthier than he has ever been.
Through Canine Mindset, I hope to take the knowledge I have gained since we first adopted Ben and share that with fellow dog owners. The goal is the change the relationship you have with your dog by building up trust and respect and thereby improving both of your lives for the better. I have spent the 4 years working with and learning from some of the best Dog Trainers California has to offer honing my approach to help better serve both human and dog.